Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 6 -- Safari in Akagera National Park

Now I know why people go on safari. There is nothing like seeing wildlife in its natural habitat, being in the middle of nowhere and riding across the hills and plains as the wind blows through your hair. I'm hooked. Tanzania and Kenya, here I come!

The terraine and vegetation of Akagera differ greatly from that of the Virungas. The former is flat and dry, the latter is mountainous and wet. In fact, the Volcanoes National Park receives 90 percent of the precipitation that falls in Rwanda!

Today we saw: baboons, impalas, waterbucks, topi, antelope, elands, reedbuck, oribi, bushbuck, lilac-breasted roller, little bee-eaters, Ross's turaco, oribi, bushback, bateleur eagle, giraffe, crowned crane, fish eagle, crocodile, hippo, vervet monkey, warthog, buffalo, zebra and more!!

I'll post photos as soon as I get to the States :)