Thursday, June 30, 2011

The bucket list

Every now and then it is nice to reflect on where you've been - I'm grateful for the opportunity to travel as I do…2015 & beyond updates in hot pink ;)

People are constantly asking me, "where are you going next?", intrigued to know about my next trip.

Since my travel budget went bust with the last trip, I decided to take a few minutes to look over the wish list.
  1. Tibet

  2. India--check!

  3. Nepal--check!

  4. Bhutan

  5. Budapest

  6. Prague

  7. Peru -- 2015!

  8. Argentina (over Christmas)

  9. Grand Canyon--check!

  10. Australia

  11. New Zealand

  12. Borneo (to see the orangutans)--2016!

  13. Japan (to see the snow monkeys)--check!

  14. British Virgin Islands (to go diving)

  15. Chile

  16. Vienna

  17. Belize (the south side) part 2

  18. San Francisco (it has been over a decade since I have been there!!)--check!

  19. NY, NY (I can't seem to get enough of this city)--damn, turns out I moved here to get my fix ;)

  20. Spain (how I miss thee..)--2016?!?

  21. Kenya

  22. South Africa

  23. Thailand

  24. Boston--check!

  25. Maine--check!

  26. Vermont

  27. Graceland

  28. Austin, Tx.--check!

  29. A dude ranch out west--check!

  30. Carmel and Monterrey

  31. Baja

  32. Oregon--check!

  33. Montreal

  34. Berlin (during the film festival)

  35. Cannes (during the film festival)

  36. Vernazza

  37. Amsterdam

  38. Hawaii

  39. Miami--check!

And, the list goes on. How I love to travel. If only I had more time and money....

However, I have been fortunate to do what I have done. I'm very grateful for the opportunities I have had and have enjoyed every traveling minute.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 6 -- Safari in Akagera National Park

Now I know why people go on safari. There is nothing like seeing wildlife in its natural habitat, being in the middle of nowhere and riding across the hills and plains as the wind blows through your hair. I'm hooked. Tanzania and Kenya, here I come!

The terraine and vegetation of Akagera differ greatly from that of the Virungas. The former is flat and dry, the latter is mountainous and wet. In fact, the Volcanoes National Park receives 90 percent of the precipitation that falls in Rwanda!

Today we saw: baboons, impalas, waterbucks, topi, antelope, elands, reedbuck, oribi, bushbuck, lilac-breasted roller, little bee-eaters, Ross's turaco, oribi, bushback, bateleur eagle, giraffe, crowned crane, fish eagle, crocodile, hippo, vervet monkey, warthog, buffalo, zebra and more!!

I'll post photos as soon as I get to the States :)